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Snow College Foundation Board Listing

Founded in 1982, the Snow College Foundation is dedicated to the philanthropic support of Snow College. 基金会通过慈善事业的发展提供支持 giving, creating community awareness. 下面是雪学院基金会董事会 董事协会是一个由社区领袖和校友组成的志愿团体.

Rob Behunin

Rob Behunin - Chair

After completing his Ph.D. 在中世纪和文艺复兴时期的文学中,Rob Behunin 整个职业生涯都在建立独特而复杂的合作关系. As a higher education administrator for nearly 20 years, Rob worked with and oversaw a variety of university programs. 在犹他州立大学的犹他盆地工作期间,罗布工作了 to form a group of special service districts dedicated to helping mitigate the social 以及能源开采行业对当地社区的经济影响. Over 在七年的时间里,他帮助制定政策,修建了新的道路和 infrastructure and helped raise funds for a new 153-acre higher education campus in Vernal. 由于他对能源行业和环境的独特理解 issues, Governor Herbert asked Rob to help write the state’s initial Ten-Year Energy Plan.

作为一个乡村男孩,罗布和他的妻子雅柯巴以及继子沃尔夫住在一个占地16英亩的小镇上 威尔斯维尔和他们的雪纳瑞犬,一只威尔士柯基,两只山羊,一百多只野生山羊 turkeys, and great-horned owls. 有时,人们知道罗布会偷偷溜出去 back deck at sunset and play the bagpipes—which usually scares the turkeys but attracts the geese.

Joe Strain

Joe Strain - Vice Chair

Joe Strain目前是PriceWaterhouseCoopers的合伙人.  He Graduated from 1997年毕业于网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行,并在犹他州立大学继续他的教育.  After graduation, Joe started his career as a CPA working in the PwC Salt Lake City office.  In addition to his duties in Salt Lake City with PwC, he spent seven years teaching accounting at Westminster college before his career took him to the PwC National Office.  Joe在普华永道国家办事处工作了两年,主要专注于SEC服务 零售和消费品公司的ipo. Once his two-year tour at national was 之后,乔开始了另一段为期两年的旅行,前往日本东京的普华永道工作. Joe ended up spending seven years in Tokyo primarily serving his firm's largest technology client navigating the US regulatory environment. During the summer of 2019, Joe finished his time in Japan and moved back to the US, and is now the Assurance Leader for PwC in San Diego. 工作之余,乔全身心地奉献给他的家庭. He has a wife and three 陪伴他走遍世界的孩子们. He loves the outdoors and loves Utah. 即使住在日本,乔也一直在犹他州居住和访问 often.   在普华永道之外,Joe曾担任Mountain West的副总裁 他是Connect San Diego的董事会成员和审计成员 圣地亚哥社区住房工程委员会.

Gail Albrecht

Gail Albrecht

盖尔·阿尔布雷希特是家里第一个大学毕业生. She earned a bachelors degree in psychology and english from Brigham Young University, and went 在里奇菲尔德高中教英语. Gail took a break from teaching for 几年的时间来抚养她的孩子,但当她回到教学岗位时. Albrecht held several positions. 她曾在里奇菲尔德初中和里奇菲尔德高中任教 担任特殊教育和印度教育教师. She then received her Masters 获得犹他大学学位,并被提升为Red的学习协调员 升入希尔斯中学,后来担任学校辅导员. Next, Mrs. Albrecht 获得了犹他州立大学的行政认可,并被聘为 Director of Special Education, Preschool, Title I, the Alternative Language Program, 以及塞维尔学区的印第安教育. She worked hard to ensure that those 各小组每年都取得了足够的进展. She was later elected to be President of the Utah Special Education Directors and then was named Assistant Superintendent of the Sevier School District. 她工作中最喜欢的部分是观察教室 在整个地区,观看优秀教师的教学. She also enjoys the outdoors, most recently fishing for halibut in breathtakingly beautiful Prince William 和她九个早熟可爱的孙子一起读书.

Kelsey Berg

Kelsey Berg

凯尔西·伯格(Kelsey Berg)是Larry H. Miller Company. 她在竞选活动和政府关系服务方面有着丰富的经验 as political director for United States Senator Mitt Romney’s successful senate campaign 最近还担任他的副幕僚长. She has years of experience working with and advocating for rural communities, first with former Congressman Jason Chaffetz (UT-03) as his Energy and Natural Resource advisor and later with the Utah Farm Bureau Federation. 凯尔西是查菲茨成功竞选董事长的工作人员 众议院监督和政府改革委员会主席. In 2016, Congressman Chaffetz 请她管理他的竞选和政治团队. Prior to her service with Chaffetz, 她在州政府事务部门工作了三年,主要负责能源问题.

凯尔西在美丽的希伯谷长大,并获得了政治学士学位 science from Brigham Young University.

Russell Buttars

Russell Buttars

Michael R. Carlston

Michael R. Carlston

Michael R. 卡尔斯顿是盐湖城斯诺、克里斯滕森和马蒂诺律师事务所的律师 他是该市房地产实践小组的主席. His practice includes counseling developers, investors, businesses, and government entities in all aspects of commercial real estate transactions. 他获得了学士学位,然后是法学博士 犹他大学的学生加入了骑士勋章. He is currently a member of the Utah State Bar, American Bar association, and the Salt Lake County Bar Association.

Kay Christensen

Kay Christensen

Kay was raised in Ephraim, UT. 他的妻子是黛安·霍嘉德·克里斯滕森,他们 你有6个孩子和21个孙子吗. Kay is a proud Snow College alum. 他还曾就读于犹他州立大学和华盛顿大学. Louis, Missouri. Kay的职业是食品杂货行业的销售和市场营销 he currently owns a consulting company. 凯一直积极参与公民事务 his life. 他曾在美国童子军董事会任职20年 Heart of America Council in Kansas City. He was also the chairman of the advisory 他是堪萨斯城KMBZ和KMBR广播电台的董事会成员,并活跃于当地城市 堪萨斯州欧弗兰帕克市的事务. Kay’s service in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints includes functioning as a young missionary to Great Britain; a bishop, counselor and stake president of the Kansas City Missouri Stake; regional 公共事务主任,区域代表,七十区管理局 North America area; president of the Ukraine Donetsk Mission; and counselor in the Kyiv Ukraine Temple Presidency. 凯也是网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的现任校友 Board Association President.

Randy Cox

Randy Cox

兰迪·考克斯已经在经纪行业工作了30多年. He was branch manager at Kidder, Peabody for 10 years and has managed investments for high net worth individuals and corporations since 1994. He is currently the managing director for 他在盐湖城的富国银行顾问有限责任公司(Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC)投资. Randy graduated from Snow College and went on to receive his bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s 杨百翰大学的商学学位. He and his wife are the parents of five children.

Brik Eyre

Brik Eyre

Brik V. 艾尔最近刚从亚利桑那州凤凰城的传教会主席职位上回来. Prior to the start of their mission, Brik retired as Senior Vice President and President of the Americas at Baxter International, a global medical products company with business in more than one hundred countries. 在此之前,他曾担任公司副总裁 他是百特医院产品部门的总裁和总裁. Brik served the Medical 在AdvaMed (advanced Medical Technology,先进医疗技术)董事会任职 Association). Brik目前担任医疗产品HemaSource的董事会成员 company, and on the Brigham Young University, Marriot School National Advisory Council (NAC). 布里克于1985年毕业于网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行,然后获得了金融学位 at Utah State University. 他在塔尔萨大学获得工商管理硕士学位. Brik and 他的妻子苏珊有5个孩子和5个孙子孙女.

Carson Howell

Carson Howell

Carson Howell担任财务和行政服务副总裁 at Snow College. 卡森之前曾在亚利桑那州和犹他州的立法机构任职 Governor’s Office, the Utah System of Higher Education, USTAR, and most recently as 爱达荷州教育委员会的首席财务官. While in Idaho, Carson designed and implemented the Idaho Direct Admissions initiative and the Apply Idaho application system – both designed to make it easier for students to apply and be accepted to college. Carson获得了生物学教育的副学士学位 瑞克斯学院,博伊西州立大学微生物学学士学位 雪城大学公共管理硕士学位.D. in 博伊西州立大学公共政策与管理专业.

Mark Howard

Mark Howard

Mark Howard graduated from Snow College and was co-captain of the football team while attending. 他在杨百翰大学获得学士学位,并获得卫生管理硕士学位 at UCLA where he met his wife. 年,他被评为网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行杰出校友 1983年,2003年成为杨百翰大学的杰出校友. He is a former resident of the Snow College Alumni Association. 他之前在退伍军人健康中心工作 Administration in Los Angeles, the Orange County Medical Center, the Air Force Corps in Thailand, and was the administrator and CEO for Intermountain Health Care in Central Utah. 他退休时是空军医疗服务队的上校,在那里他 获得铜星勋章和越南英勇十字勋章.

Stacee McIff

Stacee McIff

犹他州高等教育委员会任命Stacee McIff为Snow的临时校长 College, as of July 1, 2022. McIff曾担任技术教育副总裁 and workforce development at the college since 2021 and will lead Snow College during 犹他州高等教育委员会正在寻找下一任校长. Stacee has worked at Snow College for more than 15 years and served as interim in her current role before being appointed vice president for technical education and workforce development in 2021. 2012年至2020年,她还担任雪学院商业系主任 自2006年起在学院担任教职. Stacee has been heavily involved in the community and has served on the Southern Utah University Alumni Advisory Committee, 新视野危机中心董事会,担任全国董事会主席 FBLA-PBL的主席,塞维尔县共和党妇女的主席,等等. McIff holds 获得犹他州立大学商业信息系统理学硕士学位 南犹他大学商业教育学士学位.

Romney Stewart

Romney Stewart

Romney Stewart is the President of Blue Stag Consulting Group, which specializes in business transformation and successful scaling and growth for franchisees, franchisors, and independent businesses. 罗姆尼一直是知名的高管领导 brands in the hospitality and restaurant industry for more than 20 years at both regional 以及达美乐披萨等全球品牌. A proud two-year player on the Snow 大学橄榄球队,罗姆尼继续毕业,并获得学士学位 Public Relations from Brigham Young University and a Master's degree in Business Administration from Texas A&M University. 罗姆尼喜欢和他可爱的妻子克里斯汀在一起 她有四个孩子,目前居住在德克萨斯州的斯普林维尔. In his spare time, Romney pursues fly fishing and playing several sports.

James Tatton, M.D.

James Tatton, M.D.

吉姆·塔顿是网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的兼职生物学教授. After graduating from 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行,吉姆获得了犹他大学的学士学位,然后去了 在犹他大学医学院获得医学学位. He has 曾在两所大学担任家庭医学临床副教授 of Utah and A.T. Still University in Missouri. Jim and his wife, Kristine, reside in Nephi.

Greg Lambourne

Gregory Lambourne, Esq.

Gregory joined Wright Ford Young & 公司2022年任高级规划顾问. Gregory serves Wright Ford Young & Co. 并通过会议选择客户的需求 and conversing with them regularly. 他提供行业领先的咨询和实践 application of business, tax, trust, and charitable tools and strategies to help clients 实现他们的目标和最佳利益. Gregory helps clients execute on their decisions and accomplish their goals. 他帮助协调后续行动 客户的其他顾问,服务提供者,员工,家人和朋友的帮助 ensure success.

Before joining Wright Ford Young & 格里高利在布朗公司当律师 & StrezaLLP in Irvine and was named one of the “Top 25 Rising Stars” in the Southern California 由《网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行》杂志和《网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行》联合发布的超级律师名单 & Politics.

格雷戈里和他的妻子和两个孩子住在犹他州的一个小牧场,享受着 简单的生活,新鲜的空气,农场和园艺,开放的自然空间和野生动物. Gregory目前担任UCI计划捐赠专业委员会主席 咨询委员会,并担任童子军BSA的指导员和荣誉徽章顾问 the topics of Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, and Citizenship in the World.

Mechelle Mellor

Mechelle Mellor

米歇尔·梅勒在犹他州尼腓长大. 她毕业于网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行,在那里她 played on the women’s basketball team. 她在南方大学获得学士学位 Utah University. 她曾担任苏校友分会领导数年. 2006年,米歇尔获得了青年校友奖 Award from Southern Utah University. 米歇尔喜欢在她的社区做志愿者 包括协助各种非盈利活动和指导女大学生. Mechelle has worked for Zions Bank 24 years and is currently the Private Banking Operations Manager for Zions Bank.

Roger H. Thompson

Roger H. Thompson

Roger Thompson is currently a licensed broker in Utah, a commissioner of the Housing 盐湖城的权威,犹他交响乐团指挥圈的主席 Advisory Council. 罗杰在耶鲁大学获得历史学士学位 并获得犹他大学S.J. Quinney College of Law. 他在法学院表现出色,获得了享有盛誉的Coif勋章, 也是《网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行》的编辑委员会成员. He is also a former president of the Yale Club of Utah; board member of Salt Lake City School Volunteers, Inc.; president of the East High School PTSA; member of the Mayor’s Task Force on Historic Preservation; a past delegate of the Utah Democratic Convention; and a member 犹他州奥琳·沃克住房信托基金董事会成员. Roger served an LDS church mission in Germany and has also served as a city councilman and council chair for Salt Lake City as well as a member and vice president of the Salt Lake City Board of Education. 罗杰喜欢唱歌,是耶鲁大学whiffenpoos的成员, 耶鲁合唱团,还有耶鲁巷子猫. He is also an avid tennis player and can be found on the court many mornings. He and his wife, Colleen, enjoy spending 与家人在一起的时间,他们现在有16个孙子孙女.

Brent M. Thorne

Brent M. Thorne

Brent M. 索恩在公共教育领域工作了42年,于2010年退休 做了25年的学区主管. He is married and has six children and 10 grandchildren. 年轻时,他曾在新英格兰的摩门教传教. He later served a mission with his wife, Janis, on the island of Tarawa in the Pacific island nation of Kiribati. 在塔拉瓦期间,布伦特和贾尼斯是助手 professors for BYU Hawaii and taught faculty at Moroni High School to help them obtain 他们的教学执照和大学学位. Brent is active in Rotary International and is an assistant district governor. 他曾就读于网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行和韦伯学院 on football scholarships, graduated from Utah State in 1968, and received a master’s 1978年获得杨百翰大学教育领导学学位.D. from the University of Connecticut in 1984. He also served in the U.S. Army Reserves for six years. Currently, Brent和Janis是LDS Manti神庙的教工.

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